" How to Write Letter of Appeal | Free Sample of Letter of Appeal



How to Write Letter of Appeal | Free Sample of Letter of Appeal


Many people get knocked out of many things due to simple mistake(s) because of them not been able to write letter of appeal or to appeal for the mistake they have made. Now, I will let is know the meaning of letter of appeal next section of this post. Letter of appeal is very good for everyone to know it as no one is above mistake. Do you want them to have a second thought about you for the mistake(s) you have made? So you need appeal letter. For example, Manchester City a club in England competing in the premier league, this club made mistake which wanted to make them to be out of champions league competition which they appeal and the ban was erased. Now imagine, if they had not appealed, do you know how much they will loose? So, no one is above a mistake. Note that it is not only when offend or makes mistakes that's when you can write an appeal letter, if you are treated unjust or wrongfully, instead of resigning, you can appeal for change and be better reconsideration.

What is letter of appeal

Letter of appeal is a kind of letter that is written to show your remorselessness about the error you have made and you want to be reconsidered for the decision they have made about you. You might have been be fired, sent-off a project, demoted for a mistake - you can write this letter to be reconsidered. You might need to write the appeal letter for various reasons.


Tips on How to Write Letter Of Appeal

Letter of appeal is a kind of letter that don't need to be much like a letter to your family because they may be angry with you or your company. This tips doesn't mean we will not give you sample of the letter. The tips on how to write an appeal letter includes the following:


1. Use a business letter format : You know this is official letter as this should be official as you don't need to include your personal life affairs or talk about how your family will be if you are sacked, demoted or any other offenses or mistake. Make sure you use a business letter format as it will have two address. This letter is strictly formal.

2. Use a polite tone : You need to use a polite tone to write the letter because you are appealing and this letter is basically and strictly formal as you are not writing letters to your family. Don't be aggressive in the letter writing no matter what.

3. Know where letter will be send to : Every company or school should have where any kind of formal letters are sent to but, know the department where you will send it to. The department you are sending it to is very essential because you will need reconsideration as the wrong department won't give you.

4. Admit to mistakes : If you did something that is against the law of the company or school and you are trying to cover yourself in the letter that you didn't do it actually. You are on your own as you will get more even knocked as your letter will be dumped somewhere. Kindly admit to any error or mistake you have made because it is very essential. Don't cover yourself as you will need to plead guilty as you will need to state your mistake in the letter.

5. Be concise : You need to be brief with your letter as no one is ready to read story it not Chinua Chebe's book or story books. You understand? You know you are having issue with the school as you will need to be brief so the purpose of the letter will be known. The purpose of the letter should be your first paragraph so your intention can be quickly known. I don't say you should write six lines. Make sure you are brief!

6. Revisit for reply : If you submit the letter in person to the company or school always go to there for reply if you didn't get the reply as early as you want the reply to be, I know you will want your reply to be around 2 days. But wait for at least 7 days. If you didn't get reply visit there and if you send via email you didn't get reply after the date mentioned. Always refresh your inbox and note that it may be in spam. You know what's called spam? Check your e-mail very well.

7. State what you want them to do : In the letter, make sure you include what you want in the letter. You know you are wanting reconsideration as you will need to write about what you want and how the reconsideration should be. I guess you understand.

8. Avoid Errors : Carefully read proof the letter so as to avoid error because it might be the place that there is factual point that's where there will be error. Please avoid it. You can send the letter directly to my mail to help you proof read it. Don't worry ,it's free.

9. State some facts for back up - This may include any certificate you have had to qualify for reconsideration or anything to back you up that you can be reconsidered.


How to Write a Letter of Appeal

When you have carefully read the tips on how to write it as you will definitely come here to know how to write as you will need to carefully master those tips. How to write it include:

1. Your address : If you submit the letter in person, make sure you add a correct contact information so they can use that to contact you. Make sure it include date. Example

17, You Street Name,

The Area You Live,

The State of Residence,

Date- 17th of December, 2020.


The commas and the full stops. It is very essential.

2. Addressee : Include the address of the person you are sending the letter to. Make sure it is correct. For example:

The Manager,

Prolasun Company,


Google State.

3. Salutation : Do salute the person as you will have known the title of the department you are sending it to. For example,

Dear Sir,

4. Heading : Write the headings in there, so you reader will have known your intention in the letter. This is very essential. For example

Letter of Appeal - Underline it , LETTER OF APPEAL - Do not underline.

5. Point : Your first paragraph should contains some of your information and the purpose of your letter. The purpose of your letter should be written in the first paragraph.

6. Admit : In this second paragraph, admit to your mistake and state some fact and some policies to back up your offences. Do state the offense here. State the reasons it could affect there company in polite way [Optional].

7. Appreciation and the outcome : In this last paragraph as the letter needs to be brief, you will have to state the outcome you want. Do appreciate the reader for the time and your continued faithfulness.

8. Close the letter : You have to have a closing Remarks like "Yours stuffs" , signature and name of the writer. Do include your phone number or email after the name if you submit physically. 


Sample of Letter of Appeal

12, Mobo Street,

Kangidi Avenue,


Ogun State.


The Registrar,

Harvard University,

Toll Tage,



Dear sir,

         Letter of Appeal

I Osupa Gogo, your employee hereby appeal for the mistake I made for insulting one of our customers when he insulted me for late delivery after I explained our delivery car got faulty on the way which made you sack me.

I don't think I really deserve this after I have brought a lot of customers to our company which has made the company to be one of the best in the world and fast growing company today which I am ready to always give the company the best.


I really want the company to reconsider me as one of their employees back as I need the job. I appreciate you for taking your time to read this letter. Will be waiting for your response.


Yours faithfully,


[Your full name and number]

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