" Ways Agriculture is Important to Human



Ways Agriculture is Important to Human

Ways Agriculture is Important to Human

Meaning of Agriculture

The word called agriculture is derieved from the two Latin words: "ager"- this mean field and "cultura" - meaning cultivation. By joining the two Latin words together, Agriculture can simply be defined as the field cultivation.Note that this is not the complete definition of agriculture since it has alot to do with animal productions too.
In other words, Agriculture can simply be defined as the art and science that deals with the rearing of animals, planting and cultivation of crops for man use.Agriculture is defined as the ability of man to till the soil, cultivate crops and rear animals for food and other reasonable purposes.

Importance of Agriculture

In the whole world, Agriculture plays an important part in the development of every nation.It is the mainstay of some countries like Nigeria and many other African countries.

The importance of agriculture can be in the threr major categories:

(a) To Farmers and some individuals

1. Provisions of Food - Agriculture is the only way that man can feed. Agriculture provides foods such as rice, meat, milk , egg etc for the consumption of human and animals, either in fresh as brought from farm or processed ones.If a nation can provides food for it's nation they can save a lot of money through that and use it for other services and agriculture prevent country from bankruptcy.
2. Agriculture of shelter - Agriculture provides materials to make shelter such as poles,doors,roof, windows etc.And provides materials required for furnitures like chairs, table, beds etc.
3. Agriculture provides clothing - Agriculture provides cotton from plant for textile productions.Agricilture provides hides and skins from animals to make leathers used for clothing, shoes,belts, caps etc.Agriculture provides wool from sheep and silk for clothing.
4. Generation of Income for Farmer- when farm produce are being sold out, the farmers makes some money from it . The sales of animals and their products provides some income for farmers. Wages and salaries are been provided to agriculture workers.
5. Agriculture provides employment - Agriculture provides jobs for the nation's working population.

(b) To society 

6. Development of towns - When a town sells agricultural produce in large, the town develops as many people from other countries comes there to buy and it make them produce social amenities like electricity ,pipe-borne water from the revenue
7. Provision of Facilities for recreation and tourism- Agriculture leads to the establishment of game reserve and generate revenue for the state.

(c) To the nation

8. Sources of foreign exchange - agriculture serves as form of foreign exchange in the for counties that produce in large quantities .In the exportation of some crops like
cocoa,kolanut, groundnut , palm produce etc, can make a country earn from foreign exchange. Foreign exchange can be used in turn to purchase good necessary for the improvement of countries Agriculture.
9. Generation of Revenue - Government get alot of money from export of agricultural products through export tax and duties.Agriculture helps boost the countries internal revenue for the Government.

Agro-allied or Agro-based industries as form of Agriculture

What's agro-allied industries?
Agro-based industries also mean agro-allied industries, this can be defined as the industries that depends on agriculture for their raw material in order for them to operate their business successfully. Agro-based industries are the industries that need agriculture to supply them some raw materials in order for them to produce some finished goods that are essential for human and animal consumption.
Examples of agro-based industries are oil mill that needs oil seeds, textiles that needs cotton, paper industries that needs pulpwood, starch industries that needs cassava and maize etc.

Branches of Agriculture in the world

The branches of agriculture includes;
1. Animal Science, animals husbandry or Animal Production
2. Soil Science
3. Fishery
4. Apiculture ( The study of bee)
5. Snailry
6. Agricultural Engineering
7. Agricultural Economics
8. Agronomy
9. Entomology
10. Forestry and Wild Life
11. Veterinary Medicine
12. Crop Pathology
13. Agricultural Extension and Education

The contribution of the branches of agriculture to the development of Agriculture

1. Animal Science - animals scientist ensures that animals are in good condition.They ensure the production of meat and eggs.They provides the better feeds for growth  and productivity of farm animals.They helps in the development of new breeds of animals.
 2. Soil Science - Soil scientist ensures that the soil maintains it fertility.They helps in the control erosion which could lead to loose some of soil nutrients.They aid the conservation of moisture.Soil scientist ensures the tillage operation of the soil.They help in the applying the appropriate fertilizer for different soil type.
3. Fishery- they ensures the better management of fish.They promotes the production of fish in large amount.They ensures the provisions of fish meal.
4. Apiculture- This is study of bees. They provides Honey for local consumption and for exportations.Honey is used by many countries for the production of candles and cosmetics etc.

5. Snailry - Snail is a good source of protein, minerals like iron.The shell of Snail contains some calcium it's used by many industries.
6. Agricultural Engineering - They ensures in the development of good storage equipment and processing.They makes farm works more easier to operate. It enhances the operation of drainage and irrigation.
7. Agricultural Economics - They helps in the promotion of agricultural marketing.They exposes farmers to some sources of farm finance.They teaches cooperative farming.They helps to keep good record and good farm accounting.
8. Agricultural Extension and Education-  They trains the farmer on some of the new farming techniques.They links farmers to researchers.They ensures the provisions of support services to farmers.
9. Veterinary Medicine - These are people that helps in the control of diseases of farm animals.They ensures the better meat slaughtering and inspection.They helps in the production of vaccines .
10. Crop Production -  Crop production help in the development of better material needed for planting and correct crop spacing.They ensures the better productivity of crops and ensures the optimium plant.They ensures the control and management of crop pests.

Relationship between Agriculture and Industries

There is a wide range relationship between Agriculture and industries. These relationship includes;
What agriculture provides for industries
1. Provision of Market - In terms of market, agriculture provides market for industrial product such as machinery, chemicals and fertilizer etc.
2. Provision of Food - Agriculture do provide food for industrial workers.
3. Provision of Raw materials - Agriculture provides raw materials such cotton ,
cocoa for industries.

What Industries Provides for Agriculture
1. Industries Provides processing facilities such like grinders,millers etc, for agriculture.
2. Provision of Agro-chemical - Industries provides Agro-chemical for Agriculture to improve Agriculture.Examples are: Pesticides , fertilizer etc.

In other words, both Agriculture and industries compete for labour. 

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